Mayfair Crescent / Ramsgate Terrace, Mairangi Bay | Stormwater Infrastructure
Thomas Consultants Ltd offered our engineering & planning land development services to Signature Homes & Kāinga Ora for 10 new dwellings.
Auckland Manukau Hastings (Satellite office)
Auckland Manukau Hastings (Satellite office)
Thomas Consultants Ltd offered our engineering & planning land development services to Signature Homes & Kāinga Ora for 10 new dwellings.
Thomas Consultants Ltd offered our engineering & planning land development services to Signature Homes & Kāinga Ora for 10 new dwellings.
Thomas Consultants Ltd offered our engineering & planning land development services to Signature Homes & Kāinga Ora for 10 new dwellings.
Thomas Consultants Ltd offered our engineering & planning land development services to Signature Homes & Kāinga Ora for 10 new dwellings.
Client name: Private Site: Tasman Avenue, Mount Albert The Project: Thomas Consultants Ltd was engaged by a private client to utilise our engineering and surveying expertise for the construction of three new dwellings with subsequent subdivision to create 4 lots to be held in fee simple title, including the jointly owned access lot (JOAL). The…
Client name: Mars Living Construction Site: 10 Rimu Street, New Lynn, Auckland The Project: Thomas Consultants Ltd was engaged by Mars Living Construction to provide our Engineering, Surveying, Planning and Ecology services, enabling innovative and cost-effective solutions to develop their site at 10 Rimu Street in New Lynn, Auckland consisting of 8 new dwellings. Our team…
Thomas Consultants offered our Planning, Engineering, Surveying, Landscape Architecture services to obtain resource consent in Auckland.
Render image above produced by OZAC ARCHITECTS The Client: Nade Investments Ltd The Site: Scott Road, Hobsonville, 0618 The Project overview: Thomas Consultants offered our one-stop-shop offering of land development services for a 67 dwelling development in Hobsonville, Auckland with the aim of obtaining resource consent. The scope of the project for our team involves…
Client name: Kāinga Ora Site: 10-22 Taurus Crescent, Beach Haven, Auckland The Project:Thomas Consultants Ltd offered our Engineering, Surveying and Planning services for the construction of 21 residential dwellings within the Residential – Mixed Housing Suburban Zone in Beach Haven, Auckland. Our Engineering support for this housing project included design and monitoring of the public…
The Client: Private client The Site:16 Sheridan Drive, New Lynn, Auckland The Project: Our planners and engineers have obtained approval for 6 dwellings in the form of 1 duplex and 4 terraced houses with associated earthworks, infrastructure servicing, vehicle access and parking. Goal: To obtain a land use and subdivision consent for the client Outcome:…
The Client: Auckland Council Site: Judges Bay Reserve and St Stephens Church and Cemetery, Parnell, Auckland. Project Overview: Replacement of the existing aged and decaying pathway within the above sites. The pathway leads from the end of Judges Bay Road up through the reserve to St Stephens Church and cemetery all the way to meet Judge Street.…
Client name: Kāinga Ora Site: 43 Avondale Road, Auckland The Project: The project involved preliminary and detailed design of associated Engineering works such as drainage, driveway and vehicle crossings for three two-storey dwellings, including one detached 5-bedroom dwelling at the front of the subject site, and two 3-bedroom dwellings to the rear in the form…